Watch Natalie Portman on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert to Promote Our Farmer Frank Reese Starring in Eating Animals

Watch Natalie Portman on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert to Promote Our Farmer Frank Reese Starring in Eating Animals

Watch Natalie Portman on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert promoting the new documentary “Eating Animals” featuring our poultry farmer Frank Reese Jr. The movie unveils the horrifying truth behind factory farming and the food system that many are so disconnected from and focuses on sustainable and ethical meat choices.

But instead of stopping meat consumption totally, the movie features farmers who are raising animals the right way. Our poultry farmer, Frank Reese Jr. was the highlight of the film — portraying a farmer who chooses to work outside the commodity market and raises his animals on pasture with healthy genetics. Frank is really the champion of the film, showing how using traditional methods of farming respects both the animals and land.

It is refreshing to see a movie that is able to show the horrors of factory farming while endorsing the need to eat the correct kind of meat and support farmers who are doing it the right way.

As we have always said here at Heritage Foods, it is important to eat less meat, but eat higher quality, healthy meat with strong genetics! Support farmers whose farms you would want to visit and whose practices you support. There is the opportunity to “vote with your wallet three times a day”. We as a society need to start to know our farmers, know where our meat comes from and hold big AG accountable for their actions against animals and the environment.

It all starts with small steps like knowing what is on your dinner plate.

Support Frank Reese and other independent farmers by buying from Heritage Foods here.

Watch video here

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