Tips for the Best Burgers
Making burgers doesn’t seem like it should be complicated, but how often have you made a burger and wondered why it wasn’t as tasty as the one your favorite chef makes? For one thing, you have to start with the best quality beef. Heritage can help you there! We also have some very easy tips that will ensure that burger comes out perfectly.
- Keep burger patties as cold as possible prior to cooking to ensure the juiciest outcome. The cold starting temperature prevents the fats mixed into the meat from rendering too quickly.
- Your cooking method should start hot and stay hot throughout the entire cooking process. A hot surface will ensure a nicely developed brown crust without overcooking the center.
- Season burgers with salt immediately before they go onto your cooking surface. Seasoning too early will draw moisture out of the meat. Seasoning this way results in a juicier hamburger.
- Rotate burgers often and evenly around the heat source. Uneven cooking happens when the heat source is inconsistent. If grilling, watch for flare ups which will give grilled meats an unpleasant burnt flavor.
- Avoid pressing down on the patties, so flip them gently and away from you to avoid oil burns and splattering.
- After desired doneness is reached, rest burger on a rack to avoid soggy patties.
We hope these steps help you craft your perfect burger. Try them out and see what a difference it makes!