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A collection of our white meat cuts from the Good Shepherd Poultry Ranch Network — 9-12lb total

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Heritage White Meat Chicken and Turkey Part Pack

A collection of our white meat cuts from the Good Shepherd Poultry Ranch Network — 9-12lb total 

White meat need never be dry or chalky again. Heritage breeds are known to be juicy and flavorful but beware heritage breeds cook faster than supermarket varieties.

This package includes:

Chicken Breasts, 2-2.5lb total, multiple pieces
Turkey Breast, 1.5-2lb total, one piece
Chicken Wings, 1.5-2lb total, multiple pieces
Turkey Wings, 2-2.5lb total, multiple pieces
Turkey Tenderloins, 2-2.5lb total, multiple pieces

Certified Standardbred, Pasture Raised, Free Ranging Flock, Vegetarian Fed, Naturally Mating, and Antibiotic Free from hatching to plate.

These rare and endangered birds have been bred by Frank Reese on the Good Shepherd Ranch in Kansas, the only remaining commercial USDA certified Standardbred heritage poultry farm in the U.S. 

For 21 years, Good Shepherd Poultry Ranch has hatched America's #1 tastiest supply of turkey, chicken, and guinea fowl with genetic history tracing back centuries.

Our turkeys come from one of the eight varieties of Standardbred turkeys in existence today: Bronze, Narragansett, Bourbon Red, White Holland, Black, Slate, Beltsville Small White, Royal Palm

Our chickens come from the New Hampshire and Delaware breed.

The New Hampshire breed is a beautifully red-feathered and fast-growing breed that epitomizes American innovation and quality. Prized for its rapid early growth, heavier breast development, and solid egg-laying ability, this newer breed was able to dethrone the Plymouth Rock as America’s #1 chicken in the 1930s.

Created in the 1940s, the Delaware breed is the youngest breed in our preservation program. Originating from the state that provides its name, it is the result of crossing a Barred Rock rooster and New Hampshire hen. This bird carries many of the benefits that made Rocks and New Hampshires favored and also sports a fully white under-fluff and pin feathers.