5lb — from 100% Heritage breeds
Pork Skin
5lb total
Perfect for chicharrón!
The secret to all great cooking is to start off with great ingredients, and nothing beats our storied Heritage breeds — Berkshire, Red Wattle, Duroc, Gloucestershire Old Spot, Large Black, and Tamworth. Each breed comes from a different culinary tradition, and boasts a distinctive, nuanced flavor.
The most prime cut of the pig, the whole loin includes many individual cuts. Starting on the shoulder end lies the country rib roast: part shoulder, part chop. The center-cut loin, the most recognizable cut in the butcher case, is available bone-in, boneless, and cut into chops. Our top seller, the porterhouse or T-bone, connects to the back end of the loin and includes the coveted tenderloin. Medallions, loin bacon, back fat, skin, and even the baby back rib come from this most tender and juicy top section of the pig.
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