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A collection of our boneless poultry cuts from the Good Shepherd Poultry Ranch Network — 4-6lb total

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Heritage Boneless Turkey Part Pack

A collection of our boneless turkey cuts from the Good Shepherd Poultry Ranch Network — 4-6lb total 

There is absolutely no tastier turkey than those produced by heritage breeds raised on pasture.

This package includes:

Turkey Breasts, 2-2.5lb total, multiple pieces
Turkey Tenderloins, 1-1.5lb total, multiple pieces
Turkey Thighs, 1.5-2lb total, two pieces

Certified Standardbred, Pasture Raised, Free Ranging Flock, Vegetarian Fed, Naturally Mating, and Antibiotic Free from hatching to plate.

These rare and endangered birds have been bred by Frank Reese on the Good Shepherd Ranch in Kansas, the only remaining commercial USDA certified Standardbred heritage poultry farm in the U.S. 

For 21 years, Good Shepherd Poultry Ranch has hatched America's #1 tastiest supply of turkey, chicken, and guinea fowl with genetic history tracing back centuries.

Our turkeys come from one of the eight varieties of Standardbred turkeys in existence today: Bronze, Narragansett, Bourbon Red, White Holland, Black, Slate, Beltsville Small White, Royal Palm