Steak Rules to Live By

Steak Rules to Live By

Our Signature line of Wagyu sets the standard for perfection.

Our Signature Wagyu Bone-in Ribeye, Single Bone, and Standing Ribeye Roast require little beyond a liberal shower of salt and a hot pan to shine, but with so few ingredients and an unforgiving demeanor, there is still some room for error. So we turned to our resident chefs: Hannah, who has worked at steakhouses for much of her professional life, and Nick, an expert on many cuisines, for a short video that debunks myths and provides secrets to cook a steak like a steakhouse pro.

Rules to Live By:

- It’s important the meat is at room temperature and that your pan is hot!

- No need to add extra fat or oil. Start the steak, fat cap side down, in a hot, dry pan and you'll render the fat from the steak itself.

- Season these thick steaks liberally with salt on all sides - do it a day before if you think of it, but not necessary.

- Focus on the crust first. Use high heat to get a dark crust (but without burning!), and worry about the internal temp later.

- Don't be afraid to move the steak around (avoid moving constantly or flipping it during that first sear) to check on it and confirm you are getting a nice even heat and even cooking!

- Take temps as you go, multiple times in multiple places on the steak to ensure an accurate reading.

- Give it at least a 15-20 minute rest (up to 1 hour) and reheat the outside. Remove the steak from the pan at 90-110 degrees F internal temp.

- In general, it is ok if the steak is a little undercooked, the thickness of the cut makes it very forgiving. It is easy to increase the internal temp just before serving!

- The most exact way to know the internal temp is to use a thermometer. To get a feel for the internal temperature, start feeling the steak once you flip it (while it's raw) so you can start to feel it get firmer as it cooks — this takes time and many steaks!

- Take the temp in multiple places on the steak to ensure an accurate reading.

- For cutting, remove the rib bone first, closer to the bone it is going to be more rare. Slice against the grain.

- If you aren't sure, don't be afraid to cut your steak open to see what temp it is.

- Re-warm the steak on very high heat so you do not risk cooking it any further.

You can use the same method for any of our steaks and roasts!

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