"Need Less Ham? Go With Easter Pork Chops" by Florence Fabricant in the New York Times
Esteemed food writer Florence Fabricant wrote about our Maple Cured Porterhouse Pork Chops in her column Front Burner for the New York Times.
"A whole ham, or even half, for a small group at Easter means endless leftovers. This year, Brooklyn-based Heritage Foods offers a delicious alternative: thick bone-in porterhouse pork chops, 12-to-14 ounces each and enough for two, cured with maple and lightly smoked just like the company’s hams. The heritage pork — Berkshire, antibiotic-free and raised on small farms — yields luscious well-marbled meat. The chops come fully cooked and need only to be seared. When you remove two chops from the pan, add a couple of minced shallots and sauté on medium, add the segments of a clementine, a generous dollop of honey mustard and a half cup of tangerine juice; stir, reduce a bit and you have your sauce."