Behind the Scenes | Asgaard Farm

Behind the Scenes | Asgaard Farm

We believe that good production comes from healthy goats eating healthy grass, and that’s also a perfect recipe for delicious cheese and meat!

Asgaard Farm
If you have ever met a goat, you might have noticed their lively and boisterous personalities. The herd of goats at Asgaard Farm exemplify the rowdy persona we love about the goat.

Asgaard Farm, located in the green dewey slopes of the Adirondack Mountains, maintains forty-four head of milking goats rotated seasonally through pasture and wooden lands.

“We rotationally graze our all of goats, including our meat kids, on pasture during the spring, summer, and fall months. This practice is not only good for the goats as it provides them with the most nutritious and delicious food, but it’s also good for the grass.” says Stephanie Fisher, Farm Manager.

Female goats are bred in Fall. They spend the Winter resting up for Spring kidding season, which begins the yearly cycle of milk production. The milk from this herd is the basis for cheeses, caramels, and soaps produced onsite at Asgaard Farm.

Goats are surprisingly fertile, often birthing two kids. And for reasons you may imagine – it’s very difficult to milk a male. Heritage Foods USA started the No Goat Left Behind Project with the intention of creating a sustainable market for male goats birthed in the dairy process.

Heritage Foods USA is proud to collaboratively offer Asgaard Farms male goats this year.

Try a variety of delicious goat cuts from this single origin farm!

A RARE OCCASION: Asgaard Farm Goat Sampler Package
6.5lb, all cuts are individually packaged

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