Devils on Horseback
Figs and dates are our favorite fruits to wrap in bacon! Devils on Horseback was created in Victorian era working class England, and the hors d’œuvre got its name because it was often paired with the equally popular Angels on Horseback (bacon wrapped oysters). Over time, oysters went from being a poor-man's food to a delicacy and the appetizer pair phased out of style, but the Devils on Horseback has seen a renaissance recently, popping up on menus all over.
Devils on Horseback are simple to prepare with few ingredients. We received in a special order of Jasper Hill Bayley Hazen Blue Cheese and Von Trapp Mad River Blue Cheese to test in this recipe and we've identified some techniques to par-cook the bacon and quickly chill the stuffed morsels before cooking to attain the ideal bite!
- 6 slices Heritage bacon
- 3 ounces blue cheese, we recommend Bayley Hazen or Mad River Blue
- 12 pitted dates or 12 dried figs
- 12 Marcona almonds - optional
- Toothpicks - optional
Preheat oven to 300 degrees F. Line 2 sheet trays with foil and then with racks. On one tray, arrange bacon slices in a single layer, not touching. Cook for 15 minutes to par-cook the bacon. Once bacon is done, raise oven temperature to 450 degrees F. Allow bacon to cool slightly before cutting each piece in half widthwise.
Meanwhile, stuff the dates or figs. Using a small knife, cut open one side of your dried fruit and open like a book. Schmear a small amount of blue cheese inside each, about 2 teaspoons. Add one almond to each then close the dried fruit back up and press together firmly – try to encase the blue cheese as best you can.
Pro Tip: At this step, we find it is best to put the stuffed dried fruit into the freezer for 5-10 minutes to allow the cheese to firm up, this reduces the amount of cheese that oozes out of the finished product during cooking.
Lay a stuffed fruit on a piece of bacon and roll up – you should have enough bacon to overlap itself by about ½ an inch. Place on the second lined sheet tray, seam side down. Continue with the remaining fruit. (Note: you can use toothpicks to secure the bacon if desired)
Bake for 6-8 minutes or until bacon is crispy. Let cool slightly before transferring to a serving tray.
Devils on Horseback can be frozen before the second bake in an airtight container for up to 6 months. Let defrost overnight in the refrigerator before baking.